<읽기> wonder 원더 원서 Day 17
Time to Think he was still determined not to go back to school. 그는 여전히 학교로 돌아가지 않겠다고 결심했다. "But you've never been the kind of kid who quits things, " I said truthfully. "That's not like you." "I'm quitting." "하지만 넌 그런 일로 그만두는 애가 아니었어" 나는 솔직하게 말했다. "이건 너 답지 않아" "그만둘 거야" "Auggie, " I said. "Are you really going to let a couple of stupid kids keep you from going back to school? I know you've been e..
2020. 7. 4. 01:30