Hearing Brightly How can I describe what I heard when the doctor turned on my hearing aids? Or what I didn't hear? It's too hard to think of words. The ocean just wasn't living inside my head anymore. It was gone. I could hear sounds like shiny lights in my brain. It was like when you're in a room where one of the lightbulbs on the ceiling isn't working, but you don't realize how dark it is unti..
Sides "So here are the official sides, " said Summer at lunch the next day. She pulled out a folded piece of loose-leaf paper and opened it. It had three columns of names. "여기 공식적으로 편 나눈 거야" Summer가 다음날 점심시간에 이야기했다. 그녀는 잎사귀 같은 종이를 꺼내 열었다. 거기엔 3줄로 이름이 나눠 있었다. He said this in such a funny way that the milk I was drinking came out my nose when I laughed which made us all totally crack up. 그는 내가 마시던..