Daybreak I didn't think it was a dream then but now looking back I know it must have been. It didn't make me sad to see her at all it just filled me up with nice feelings inside. She was gone after a second and I couldn't see her again in the darkness. 그때는 꿈이 아니라고 생각했지만 지금 생각해보면 분명하게 난 꿈인 걸 알고 있었다. 그녀를 보는 것이 난 슬프게 하지 않았다. 그냥 나의 내면을 기분 좋게 채워줄 뿐이었다. 그녀는 금방 사라졌고, 나는 어둠 속에서 그녀는 다시 볼 수 없었다. Daisy's g..
Extraordinary, but No One There to See So on opening night no one that was remotely close to me was even there. And the thing is, I realized in my third or fourth rehearsal that I was good at this acting thing. I felt the part. I understood the words I spoke. I could read the lines as if they were coming from my brain and my heart. And on opening night, I can honestly say I knew I was going to b..
In Science When me and August were still friends I was doing okay in sicence because August sat next to me and always let me copy his notes. August has the neatest handwriting of anybody I've ever seen who's a boy. Even his script is neat up and down perfectly, with really small round loopy letters. But now that we're ex-friends it's bad because I can't ask him to let me copy his notes anymore. ..