Understudy "Why do they call it understudy?" I repeated. "It's what they call someone who replaces an actor if he can't perform for some reason, " answered Mom. " 왜 그들은 understudy라고 불러요? 나는 되물었다. " 어떤 이유로 배우가 연기를 할 수 없을 때 그를 배우를 대신하는 사람을 그렇게 부른단다. "라고 엄마는 대답했다. A little later in the play, a character named Mrs. Webb calls out for her daughter, Emily. I knew from the program that that was the par..
Before August I honestly don't remember my life before August came into it. I look at pictures of me as a baby, and I see Mom and Dad smiling so happily, holding me. I can't believe how much younger they looked back then: Dad was this hipster dude and Mom was this cute Brazilian fashionista. 나는 내 인생에 August가 오기 전이 사실 잘 기억나지 않는다. 내가 어릴 때 사진으로 엄마와 아빠가 행복하게 웃고 있고, 거기 내가 있었다. 그 당시 그들이 얼마나 어렸는지 믿을 수 ..