Jack과 August의 Face book 대화입니다. 10대들이 사용하는 줄임말들로 대화를 합니다. 생각보다 대화체가 잘 읽혀서 영어 잘하는 느낌이 들어요. 시작은 Jack이 August에게 Face book 친구 신청하는 걸로 시작합니다. 다시 친구 하자는 이중적이 표현이 아닐까 생각이 듭니다. To: aguggiedoggiepullman@email.com Subeject: Sorry!!!!!! Message: Hey august. Its me Jack Will. I noticed im not on ur friends list anymore. Hope u friend me agen cuz im really sorry. I jus wanted 2 say that. Sorry. I know why ur ..
In Science When me and August were still friends I was doing okay in sicence because August sat next to me and always let me copy his notes. August has the neatest handwriting of anybody I've ever seen who's a boy. Even his script is neat up and down perfectly, with really small round loopy letters. But now that we're ex-friends it's bad because I can't ask him to let me copy his notes anymore. ..
Ex-Friends I actually liked hanging out with August. So this is kind of messed up. And it's all August's fault. 난 사실 어거스트랑 노는 게 좋다. 그래서 이건 좀 엉망진창이다. 그리고 전부 어거스트 잘못이다. Snow And when that happens on a school day and you find out your school is closed. well, I don't care how old I get I'm always going to think that that's the best feeling in the world. And I'm never going to be one of those grown-u..