Wake Me Up when September Ends. They would take the longest way around me to avoid bumiping into me in any way, Iike I had some germ they could catch, like my face was contagious. 그들은 어떻게든 나와 부딪히는 것을 피하기 위해 나를 돌아가는 가장 먼길로 갔다. 내가 그들은 잡아버리는 세균이 있는 것처럼, 내 얼굴이 전염될 것처럼 I can only imagine what they were saying about me. Actually, I prefer not to even try to imagine it. 그들이 나에 대해 무슨 말을 할지 상상만 한 뿐이다. 사실..
Locks I still keps my head way down, just looking up enough from under my bangs to see everyone's feet. As the desks started to fill up, I did notice that no one sat down next to me. A couple of times someone was about to sit next to me, then changed his or her mind at the last minute and sat somewhere else. 나는 줄곧 고개를 숙이고, 단지 앞머리 밑으로 다른 이들의 발밑을 보는 정도로만 올려보고 있었다. 책상들이 채워지기 시작했고, 내 옆자리에 누구도 앉지 않는 ..

The Deal The was our signal for my telling Mom if I really wanted to leave. "Oh, you're right, " said Mom, getting up. I could tell she was pretending to check the time on her watch. "I'm sorry, everbody. I lost track of the time. We have to go pick up my daughter at her new school. She's taking an unofficial tour today." This part wasn't a lie: that Via was checking out her new school today. Th..