Awards 'Greatness' wrote Beecher lies not in being strong but in the right using of strength.... He is the greatest whose strength carries up the most hearts...' " And again out of the blue he got all choked up. He put his two index fingers over his mouth for a second before continuing. " 'He is the greatest' " he finally continued " 'whose strength carries up the most hearts by the attraction o..
Wonder에서 어기 5학년 졸업식을 하고 있고, 저도 이번 주에 wonder를 완독 할 것 같습니다. 얼마 남지 않았지만 열심히 같이 완독 해보아요. Take Your Seats Everyone "Yeah, you look okay, Summer. " said Jack kind of matter of- factly. And for the first time I realized that Jack had a crush on her. "어 너 괜찮네 Summer" 잭은 사무적으로 말했다. 내가 보기엔 그녀에게 반한 것 같았다. "When did Summer get so hot?" Jack muttered in my ear. "Shut up, dude. " I said, laughing as we headed..
The Woods Are Alive Amos shook his head at us like Don't pay attention to them. 아모스는 고개를 저었다. 우리에게 쟤네 신경 쓰지 마라고 하는 것처럼 Alien I knew that was a lie, but I helped Jack get up and we started walking over to Amos. Then out of the blue the Eddie guy grabbed my hood as I passed by him yanking it really hard so I was pulled backward and fell flat on my back. It was a hard fall and I hurt my elbow prett..
Part Eight August You're gonna reach the sky Fly . . . Beautiful child —Eurythmics, "Beautiful Child" 넌 하늘에 닿을 수 있어 날아 아름다운 아이야 The Fifth-Grade Nature Retreat Most kids have had sleepovers by the time they're my age. A lot of kids have gone to sleepaway camps, or stayed with their grandparents or whatever. Not me. Not unless you include hospital stays but even then Mom or Dad always stayed with ..
Sides "So here are the official sides, " said Summer at lunch the next day. She pulled out a folded piece of loose-leaf paper and opened it. It had three columns of names. "여기 공식적으로 편 나눈 거야" Summer가 다음날 점심시간에 이야기했다. 그녀는 잎사귀 같은 종이를 꺼내 열었다. 거기엔 3줄로 이름이 나눠 있었다. He said this in such a funny way that the milk I was drinking came out my nose when I laughed which made us all totally crack up. 그는 내가 마시던..

Jack과 August의 Face book 대화입니다. 10대들이 사용하는 줄임말들로 대화를 합니다. 생각보다 대화체가 잘 읽혀서 영어 잘하는 느낌이 들어요. 시작은 Jack이 August에게 Face book 친구 신청하는 걸로 시작합니다. 다시 친구 하자는 이중적이 표현이 아닐까 생각이 듭니다. To: Subeject: Sorry!!!!!! Message: Hey august. Its me Jack Will. I noticed im not on ur friends list anymore. Hope u friend me agen cuz im really sorry. I jus wanted 2 say that. Sorry. I know why ur ..