MR. BROWNE'S PRECEPTS SEPTEMBER When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind. —Dr. Wayne W. Dyer 옳은 것과 친절한 것을 선택할 기회가 주어진다면 친절한 것을 택해라 OCTOBER Your deeds are your monuments. —inscription on an Egyptian tomb 네가 한 행동이 너의 발자취로 남는다. (직역 : 너 업적이 너의 기념비이다.) NOVEMBER Have no friends not equal to yourself. —Confucius 너보다 못한 자를 친구로 삼지 말라 DECEMBER Audentes fortuna iuvat. (Fortune f..
Pictures Everybody practically. All I knew for sure is that we were all laughing and squeezing in tight against each other and no one seemed to care if it was my face that was next to theirs or not. In fact and I don't mean to brag here but it kind of felt like everyone wanted to get close to me. 모두들 사실상, 서로 마주 보고 웃고 쥐어짜고 있다는 것을 난 알 수 있었다. 자기들 옆에 있는 것이 내 얼굴인지 아닌지는 아무도 신경 쓰지 않는 것 같았다. 사실 여기서 자랑할 ..
Wonder에서 어기 5학년 졸업식을 하고 있고, 저도 이번 주에 wonder를 완독 할 것 같습니다. 얼마 남지 않았지만 열심히 같이 완독 해보아요. Take Your Seats Everyone "Yeah, you look okay, Summer. " said Jack kind of matter of- factly. And for the first time I realized that Jack had a crush on her. "어 너 괜찮네 Summer" 잭은 사무적으로 말했다. 내가 보기엔 그녀에게 반한 것 같았다. "When did Summer get so hot?" Jack muttered in my ear. "Shut up, dude. " I said, laughing as we headed..
Ducks "But I know it's had its share of ups and downs." he said, raising his eyebrows. "Certainly, that night at the nature reserve was one of the low points." "하지만 그에 따른 우여곡절이 있었던 거 알아 " 그는 눈썹을 치켜세우며 이야기했다. " 분명히, 자연보호구역에서의 일은 가장 좋지 않았던 최저점이야" "I know in school things got a little hairy with Julian at times." I have to admit he surprised me with that one. 학교 생활에 줄리안 때문에 힘들기도 한 거 알고 있단다. 나는 그가 날..
Extraordinary, but No One There to See So on opening night no one that was remotely close to me was even there. And the thing is, I realized in my third or fourth rehearsal that I was good at this acting thing. I felt the part. I understood the words I spoke. I could read the lines as if they were coming from my brain and my heart. And on opening night, I can honestly say I knew I was going to b..
Part 7 Miranda I forgot that I might see So many beautiful things I forgot that I might need To find out what life could bring —Andain, "Beautiful Things" 나는 내가 볼 수 있다는 걸 잊었어 너무나 많은 아름다운 것들 나는 내가 필요한 걸 잊었어 삶이 가져다주는 것이 무엇인지 찾기 위해 Camp Lies I mean, I've kind of earned the right to think of him as my brother. 내 말은 난 그를 동생 생각할 권리가 있다는 것이다. School I hardly saw Via at school this year, and when I did ..
오늘은 비가 내리는 월요일입니다. 아침마다 영어 메일 받는 곳에서 저의 기분에 딱인 글귀가 있어서, 이 것부터 표현 적어 봅니다. 아마도 모든 직장인들에게 필수 표현 일 것 같아요. 혹시 모르니 속마음으로! 마스크 쓰고 입모양만으로 연습해보아요. I just got to work and want to go back home. 출근했는데 퇴근하고 싶다. Goodbye "This isn't about you!" she yelled. "Not everything in the world is about you, Auggie. Now hurry up. Daisy's sick. Mom's taking her to the emergency vet. Come say goodbye." "이번엔 너에 대한 거 아니야!" ..