Ducks "But I know it's had its share of ups and downs." he said, raising his eyebrows. "Certainly, that night at the nature reserve was one of the low points." "하지만 그에 따른 우여곡절이 있었던 거 알아 " 그는 눈썹을 치켜세우며 이야기했다. " 분명히, 자연보호구역에서의 일은 가장 좋지 않았던 최저점이야" "I know in school things got a little hairy with Julian at times." I have to admit he surprised me with that one. 학교 생활에 줄리안 때문에 힘들기도 한 거 알고 있단다. 나는 그가 날..

Understudy "Why do they call it understudy?" I repeated. "It's what they call someone who replaces an actor if he can't perform for some reason, " answered Mom. " 왜 그들은 understudy라고 불러요? 나는 되물었다. " 어떤 이유로 배우가 연기를 할 수 없을 때 그를 배우를 대신하는 사람을 그렇게 부른단다. "라고 엄마는 대답했다. A little later in the play, a character named Mrs. Webb calls out for her daughter, Emily. I knew from the program that that was the par..
오늘은 비가 내리는 월요일입니다. 아침마다 영어 메일 받는 곳에서 저의 기분에 딱인 글귀가 있어서, 이 것부터 표현 적어 봅니다. 아마도 모든 직장인들에게 필수 표현 일 것 같아요. 혹시 모르니 속마음으로! 마스크 쓰고 입모양만으로 연습해보아요. I just got to work and want to go back home. 출근했는데 퇴근하고 싶다. Goodbye "This isn't about you!" she yelled. "Not everything in the world is about you, Auggie. Now hurry up. Daisy's sick. Mom's taking her to the emergency vet. Come say goodbye." "이번엔 너에 대한 거 아니야!" ..
OUR TOWN We're doing the play our town for the spring show this year. Olivia dares me to try out for the lead role, the stage manager, and somehow i get it. total fluke. never got any lead roles in anything before. I tell olivia she brings me good luck. unfortunately, she doesn't get the female lead, emily gibbs. the pink-haired girl named miranda gets it. Olivia gets a bit part and is also the ..

The War "So big freakin' deal." 진짜 망할 놈이네. "News flash: I stopped being his friend completely first!" 뉴스속보 : 내가 먼저 그와 친구 안 하기로 했어! "I'll let you know if I hear anything else, " she said. Before she went out, she looked left and right outside the door to make sure no one saw her leaving. I guess even though she was neutral, she didn't want to be seen with me. "다른 이야기 듣게 되면 또 알려줄게" 그녀가 말했다. 그녀가 나가..
Four Things First of all you do get used to his face. The first couple of times l was like whoa I'm never going to get used to this. And then after about a week I was like huh it's not so bad. 첫째 그의 얼굴에 익숙해져야 한다. 처음 몇 번은 나도 와우 절대 익숙하지 않았다. 그러나 몇 주 후 흠 그렇데 나쁘지 않았다. Second of all, he's actually a really cool dude. I mean he's pretty funny. Like the teacher will say something and August will whispe..
Carvel "Jack, sometimes you don't have to mean to hurt someone to hurt someone. You understand?" "잭, 가끔은 네가 누군가에게 상처 주려고 한 것이 아니었는데 누군가는 상처에겐 상처가 돼. 무슨 말인지 알지?" But it's hard. It's hard not to sneck a second look. It's hard to act normal when you see him. 그러나 그건 힘들다. 훔쳐보지 않는 것은 어렵지 않지만 그를 볼 때 평범한 척 행동하는 것은 어렵다. Why I Changed My Mind "Of course she is. Charlotte's such a Goody Two-Shoes." 물론 그녀도,..

Time to Think he was still determined not to go back to school. 그는 여전히 학교로 돌아가지 않겠다고 결심했다. "But you've never been the kind of kid who quits things, " I said truthfully. "That's not like you." "I'm quitting." "하지만 넌 그런 일로 그만두는 애가 아니었어" 나는 솔직하게 말했다. "이건 너 답지 않아" "그만둘 거야" "Auggie, " I said. "Are you really going to let a couple of stupid kids keep you from going back to school? I know you've been e..
블랙홀로 사라지고 싶다고 했던 Auggie 그 후 어떻게 되었을까요? Names I nodded and mumbled “Thank you.” Mom and I hugwalked the whole way home. I didn’t tell her anything about what had happened, and later when she asked me if I felt well enough to go trick-or-treating after school, I said no. This worried her, since she knew how much I usually loved trick-or-treating. 나는 고개 끄덕이며 우물거렸다. “고마워요.” 엄마와 나는 부둥켜안고 집까지 걸어왔다. 나는..
The Cheese Touch I think it's like the Cheese Touch in Diary of Wimpy Kid. The kids in that story were afraid they'd catch the cooties if they touched the old modly cheese on the basketball court. At Beecher Prep, I'm the old moldy cheese. 내 생각에 그것은 웜피 키드의 일기에 나오는 치즈 터치 같다. 그 이야기 속의 아이들은 농구코트에서 오래된 곰팡이 치즈를 만지면 코티를 잡을까 봐 두려웠다. 비처 프렙에서 나는 오래된 곰팡이 치즈야. Costumes I wish every day could be Halloween. ..