Hearing Brightly How can I describe what I heard when the doctor turned on my hearing aids? Or what I didn't hear? It's too hard to think of words. The ocean just wasn't living inside my head anymore. It was gone. I could hear sounds like shiny lights in my brain. It was like when you're in a room where one of the lightbulbs on the ceiling isn't working, but you don't realize how dark it is unti..
Sides "So here are the official sides, " said Summer at lunch the next day. She pulled out a folded piece of loose-leaf paper and opened it. It had three columns of names. "여기 공식적으로 편 나눈 거야" Summer가 다음날 점심시간에 이야기했다. 그녀는 잎사귀 같은 종이를 꺼내 열었다. 거기엔 3줄로 이름이 나눠 있었다. He said this in such a funny way that the milk I was drinking came out my nose when I laughed which made us all totally crack up. 그는 내가 마시던..
In Science When me and August were still friends I was doing okay in sicence because August sat next to me and always let me copy his notes. August has the neatest handwriting of anybody I've ever seen who's a boy. Even his script is neat up and down perfectly, with really small round loopy letters. But now that we're ex-friends it's bad because I can't ask him to let me copy his notes anymore. ..

The Plague I do admit August's face takes some getting used to. I've been sitting with him for two weeks now and let's just say he's not the neatest eater in the world. But other than thay he's pretty nice. I should also say that I don't really feel sorry for him anymore. That might have been what made me sit down with him the first time, but it's not why I keep sitting down with him. I keep sit..

Out with the Old After a week of painful lunches where all they would do was talk about people that didn't interest me, I decide to make a clean break for it. they asked no questions. I told no lies. We just went our separate ways. 그들과 고통스러운 점심을 일주일 보내 동안 그들이 이야기하는 사람은 내가 관심이 없었다. 나는 깨끗하게 헤어지기로 결정했다. 그들은 나에게 묻지 않았고, 난 거짓말을 하지 않았다. 우리는 각자가 원하는 길로 가기로 했다. October 31 Then he went to his bed and pul..
Genetics 101 Isabel and Nate : like two peas in a pod. 이사벨과 네이트는 콩깍지 속의 콩 두 개 같다. (= 똑 닮았다. 판박이, 붕어빵) In August's case, the doctors were able to identify one of the "single nucleotide deletion mutations" that made war on his face. The weird thing is, though you'd never know it from looking at them: both my parents carry that mutant gene. And I carry it, too. August의 경우, 의사들은 "단일 뉴클레오티드 삭제 돌연변이" ..
After School "We stopped for pizza." Incredible how easily a lie can slip through your lips. "우리 피자 때문에 들렸어" 거짓말이 얼마나 쉽게 입에서 나왔는지 믿을 수 없었다. "She went straight home. We have a lot of homework." 그녀는 곧장 집으로 갔어요. 우린 숙제가 너무 많거든요. The Padawen Bites the Dust Mom knocked on my door after dinner. She looked drained and I realized that between me and Auggie, today had been a tough day for her, too. 엄마가 저녁..
Before August I honestly don't remember my life before August came into it. I look at pictures of me as a baby, and I see Mom and Dad smiling so happily, holding me. I can't believe how much younger they looked back then: Dad was this hipster dude and Mom was this cute Brazilian fashionista. 나는 내 인생에 August가 오기 전이 사실 잘 기억나지 않는다. 내가 어릴 때 사진으로 엄마와 아빠가 행복하게 웃고 있고, 거기 내가 있었다. 그 당시 그들이 얼마나 어렸는지 믿을 수 ..
The Cheese Touch I think it's like the Cheese Touch in Diary of Wimpy Kid. The kids in that story were afraid they'd catch the cooties if they touched the old modly cheese on the basketball court. At Beecher Prep, I'm the old moldy cheese. 내 생각에 그것은 웜피 키드의 일기에 나오는 치즈 터치 같다. 그 이야기 속의 아이들은 농구코트에서 오래된 곰팡이 치즈를 만지면 코티를 잡을까 봐 두려웠다. 비처 프렙에서 나는 오래된 곰팡이 치즈야. Costumes I wish every day could be Halloween. ..
Apple "I have to invite everyone because I don't want anyone to get their feelings hurt if they find out other people are invited and they aren't, okay?" 나는 전부 초대할 거예요. 이유는 초대받지 않은 다른 사람들에게 상처 주고 싶지 않아요. 알겠죠? " I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." 사과는 나무에서 멀리 떨어지진 않는다. (미국 속담 : 아이는 부모를 닮는다.) * 다른 영어 표현도 가져왔어요. * The spitting image 빼닮았다. He’s the spitting image of his mother. 그는 엄마를..