Understudy "Why do they call it understudy?" I repeated. "It's what they call someone who replaces an actor if he can't perform for some reason, " answered Mom. " 왜 그들은 understudy라고 불러요? 나는 되물었다. " 어떤 이유로 배우가 연기를 할 수 없을 때 그를 배우를 대신하는 사람을 그렇게 부른단다. "라고 엄마는 대답했다. A little later in the play, a character named Mrs. Webb calls out for her daughter, Emily. I knew from the program that that was the par..

Hearing Brightly How can I describe what I heard when the doctor turned on my hearing aids? Or what I didn't hear? It's too hard to think of words. The ocean just wasn't living inside my head anymore. It was gone. I could hear sounds like shiny lights in my brain. It was like when you're in a room where one of the lightbulbs on the ceiling isn't working, but you don't realize how dark it is unti..
Olivia's Brother I like to think I'm able to hide my surprise. I hope I do. surprise is one of those emotionsthat can be hard to fake, though, whether you're trying to look surprised when you're not or trying to not look surprised when you are. 내가 놀란 것을 숨겼으면 좋았을 것 같다. 나도 그러고 싶다. 놀라는 것도 여러 감정중에 하나이고, 그걸 숨기기는 어렵다고 생각한다. 네가 놀란 것을 숨기려고 한다면 네가 놀라지 않거나 놀라지 않아 보여야 한다. I'm not freaked out or scared. I s..

Jack과 August의 Face book 대화입니다. 10대들이 사용하는 줄임말들로 대화를 합니다. 생각보다 대화체가 잘 읽혀서 영어 잘하는 느낌이 들어요. 시작은 Jack이 August에게 Face book 친구 신청하는 걸로 시작합니다. 다시 친구 하자는 이중적이 표현이 아닐까 생각이 듭니다. To: aguggiedoggiepullman@email.com Subeject: Sorry!!!!!! Message: Hey august. Its me Jack Will. I noticed im not on ur friends list anymore. Hope u friend me agen cuz im really sorry. I jus wanted 2 say that. Sorry. I know why ur ..
Jack이 드디어 왜 Auggie가 화났는지 왜 Ex-friend가 되어 버렸는지 이유를 알아차렸는데요. 어떻게 풀 것인지 빨리 사이좋으면 좋겠네요. Season's Greetings "No." And then I told her why I punched Julian. And I told her that August was my exfriend now. And I told her about Halloween. "아니" 나는 왜 줄리안을 때렸는데 그녀에게 말했다. 어거스트와 내가 전 친구였던 것도 이야기했다. 그리고 핼로윈에 대해서도 그녀에게 이야기했다. Letters, Emails, Facebook, Texts To 교장선생님 / From 잭 I would rather not make Julian get..
In Science When me and August were still friends I was doing okay in sicence because August sat next to me and always let me copy his notes. August has the neatest handwriting of anybody I've ever seen who's a boy. Even his script is neat up and down perfectly, with really small round loopy letters. But now that we're ex-friends it's bad because I can't ask him to let me copy his notes anymore. ..
Carvel "Jack, sometimes you don't have to mean to hurt someone to hurt someone. You understand?" "잭, 가끔은 네가 누군가에게 상처 주려고 한 것이 아니었는데 누군가는 상처에겐 상처가 돼. 무슨 말인지 알지?" But it's hard. It's hard not to sneck a second look. It's hard to act normal when you see him. 그러나 그건 힘들다. 훔쳐보지 않는 것은 어렵지 않지만 그를 볼 때 평범한 척 행동하는 것은 어렵다. Why I Changed My Mind "Of course she is. Charlotte's such a Goody Two-Shoes." 물론 그녀도,..

The Plague I do admit August's face takes some getting used to. I've been sitting with him for two weeks now and let's just say he's not the neatest eater in the world. But other than thay he's pretty nice. I should also say that I don't really feel sorry for him anymore. That might have been what made me sit down with him the first time, but it's not why I keep sitting down with him. I keep sit..
After School "We stopped for pizza." Incredible how easily a lie can slip through your lips. "우리 피자 때문에 들렸어" 거짓말이 얼마나 쉽게 입에서 나왔는지 믿을 수 없었다. "She went straight home. We have a lot of homework." 그녀는 곧장 집으로 갔어요. 우린 숙제가 너무 많거든요. The Padawen Bites the Dust Mom knocked on my door after dinner. She looked drained and I realized that between me and Auggie, today had been a tough day for her, too. 엄마가 저녁..
August Through the Peephole These are considered miracles. When he was a baby, the doctors didn't think he'd live. 이건 기적이다. 그가 아기일 때 의사들은 그가 살지 못할 거라고 생각했다. Via가 바라본 August의 태어나서부터 수술하면서 눈, 코, 입 이목구비의 변화까지 기억하고 있는 내용을 상세하게 설명해주었다. High School What I always loved most about middle school was that it was separate and different from home. I could go there and be Olivia Pullman-not Via, which is my ..